Learn the ins and outs of your digital camera, powerful composition elements and activities that will get your creative juices flowing.
Secrets to Digital Photography for the Beginner covers the following topics;
Definition of Photography
Cameras Types
The Camera Body
Shooting Modes
White Balance
Metering Modes
Drive Modes
Image Quality: Raw vs JPEG
The Exposure Triangle (Shutter Speed, Aperture & ISO)
Powerful Visual Composition
Our next walk will be on
APRIL 28TH 2023.
Only 6 spots available.
You will receive an email with registration and location information upon completion of your booking.
Learn a variety of technical and creative photography tips hands-on, from me, as we spend a few hours walking through a beautiful location.
We will set up various scenarios during the day to photograph and answer all your questions.
Walk will last up to 3 hours.
BONUS: When you join, get my SECRETS TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY ~ FOR THE BEGINNER to get an in depth, logical look at what digital photography entails.
~ Only 6 spots available ~
Learn your way around the studio and all the studio basics to set you up for your own creative studio creations.